Improving supply chain will result in overall efficiency and higher profitability of the businesses. The first step to do this is to get top management on board for making changes in the supply chain. The key here is a commitment from the top executives for improvement of supply chain and formulating well thought supply chain reforms. Also, if the ERP doesn’t give an insight and transparency into the flow of products within the company then changes must be made to the existing process. Information about all the phases of the supply chain, from ordering to warehousing, must be available through the ERP systems. Another important thing is traceability. This can be done accurately by maintaining a tight, close relationship with the vendors to track every product in the process. Nowadays the use of satellite transceivers on the trucks of the transportation companies is increasing. This allows the company to track the exact location of the shipment. RFID tags are also used to track individual pallets. To read more follow: -