An article by Carolyn Sokol, President of, talks about how a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can give your Human Capital Management function a more strategic perspective, rather than your in-house HCM team. The usual perspective of an HCM team is to provide services like recruiting and hiring, new hire on-boarding, training development, performance management, regulatory compliance, payroll and benefits delivery. A PEO would provide more strategic inputs like strategic staffing, policy development, career development, transition planning and company-wide communication. puts companies in touch with vendors who offer Human Resource Information Systems, Human Resource Management Software, & Payroll Software that most closely match their needs. 

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SigmaWay has experience in delivering operational efficiency across processes in Human Capital Management, by applying Analytics and Lean Six Sigma methodologies. For more information on how we can help your HCM team achieve their full potential, reach us at