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By Udhriti Mitra on Saturday, 22 July 2017
Category: Analytics

MLBOX And Its Pros And Cons

According to authors, MLBox is a powerful  Automated Machine Learning Python library ,but, weighing  the following pros and the cons is crucial before using  it.Pros:1)Automatic identification  and classification of task 2) Pre-processing of data while reading and removing the drift variables, thereby cleaning  files 3) Fast and accurate hyperparameter  optimization and aims at low validation score 4)Constructing a Machine Learning Regressor  for forecasting  using minimum lines of code 5)Uses Entity Embedding for encoding categorical variables for creating new informative traits.  Cons: 1)Things may collapse suddenly since it’s under active development 2) Unobserved Learning enjoys no support 3)Basic Feature Engineering ,requires creating own features 3)Selection method being purely mathematical drops out variables significant on the business front 5) Not truly an Automated Machine Learning Library.Read more at https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/07/mlbox-library-automated-machine-learning/




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