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How wearables became a game changer in corporate world

Every company wants happy and healthy employees and for better operations, it is way more than just productivity. As fit employees are happy and healthier, many companies have corporate wellness programs. But involving employees to participate in such activities is a real challenge for HR officials. Thanks to technology, corporates have fitness wearable devices for employees and Fitbit is the market leader in this category. It has revolutionaries the wellness programs by adding a social and competitive component. Not only fitness, but it is improving the work environment in companies also. It is economical for corporate as there are company-specific online storefronts where companies can get subsidized Fitbit as per their needs. Read more about this in the article written by Sarah K. white (Senior Writer) at -: http://www.cio.com/article/2980242/wearable-technology/how-hr-uses-fitness-trackers-to-increase-company-wellness.html 


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