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Utilization of AI to refine the entertainment marketing strategies

Merging entertainment with data is a well-known concept. The marketers and content-creators have always focused on strategies that will resonate with the audiences and keep them engaged. Over the past few years, there has been an evolution of AI in the marketing strategies of content creators, brands, networks, etc. AI uses the deep learning algorithms that can digest, asses and contextualize unstructured data quickly to derive actionable insights. AI can analyze millions of pieces of content at a time, with the help of deep learning which is undoubtedly beneficial for the content creators and marketers. Deep learning helps in predicting whether a campaign will be successful even before it starts. Thus marketers are increasingly turning to deep learning algorithms to make better sense of the contents. Read more at: https://www.thedrum.com/industryinsights/2019/04/03/the-evolution-ai-entertainment-marketing

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The emerging role of memes in social media marketing

Apart from breaking the internet and keeping people entertained, memes play an important role in social media marketing. Correct memes make businesses socially relevant. However before using memes one must become familiar with it and know the proper use. Misusing a meme can have an exact opposite impact on the business. Identifying the target audience is another important factor. It is futile to use those memes that customers cannot relate to.  Memes should be used sparingly- they should help enhance the content of the company on social media.Creating original memes instead of sharing the popular ones can help promote the brand more effectively. Hence memes can be a great idea for social media marketing if used in the right way. Making audiences laugh and keeping them satisfied can help build customers’ trust on the brand and hence the company.Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-to-use-memes-in-your-social-media-marketing-02208299

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Benefits of lifecasting on brands

The difference between steam video and live casting s that live casting is uninterrupted steaming directly into the web. Livecasting offers a much better job at communicating. It allows the views to feel the experience as if they were alongside the participants. Also it lets the audience draw their own conclusions. Video take livecasting altogether to a different level. Livecasting creates an opportunity which adds that missing human element, traditional advertising is thus pushed away. Live video allows brands to communicate emotions in a way that is less likely to be misconstrued. The relationship between AI and livecasting is evolving and is focused around user-generating content. Livecasting creates a platform for brands to connect, build, trust and convey emotion. Read more at: https://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/social-media/hey-brands-busy-lifecasting-arent/


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All About Brand Perception

Brands are an important part of any business and brand perception is equally important in today’s business world. Companies always want to ensure a positive brand perception among their target consumers, but they don’t control brand perception—consumers do.  According to a research, it was found that 45% of brand perception can be attributed to what a company says and how it says it. Companies must monitor brand perception with the help of some tools. Read more about  the importance and tools of brand perception at: http://www.business2community.com/branding/brand-perception-matters-companies-can-measure-01734675#zovVqLQb4MdUrqrl.97



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Improving customer service in social media

A recent survey has revealed that brands active on social media gather bad reputation for their qualitatively poor customer service. Brands should improvise techniques to improve customer service keeping in mind the statistics revealed by the survey. Brands should allow people to post on their pages in social media only if they intend to review and respond to those. Responding to queries could simply involve thanking the customer for their valuable feedback and also complaints should be never left unattended. Customer service team should be made a part of the social media so as to provide a better social media customer service. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/state-social-media-customer-service-experience-01251083


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Power Of Positive Personalization

 Personalized relationship is important to any business. On the other hand, if personalization is poor, then customers become dissatisfied with the brand.  Chris Averill (CEO of we are experience) writes in his article link about what can brands do to utilize the power of positive personalization: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/customer-experience/the-power-of-positive-personalisation/1537




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Proximity Marketing: A Study

A study found out that major brands are shifting significant marketing resources to proximity marketing. Proximity marketing allows UK brand managers and retailers to understand not only consumer behavior, but they also reveal how position-in-store or products can affect sales. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-news/79-per-cent-of-major-uk-brands-are-planning-to-invest-in-proximity-marketing-within-the-next-six-months/1547




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Social Customer Data: An Insight

Social media for brands is to have two-way conversations with their customers. But, using social media as a means to broadcast or push messages is not attracting customers nowadays. Sofie De Beule (Community Manager, Engagor) writes in her article link about what type of data is valuable to create meaningful conversations and how brands can truly make sense of it: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/3-key-steps-make-sense-social-customer-data


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How To Meet Customers Expectations On Social Media

51% of brands believe real-time social media engagement is their biggest challenge on social media. According to a research it was found that 72% of customers expect brands to reply within an hour. So, it is Imperative to know how brands can meet their customers' expectations? Sofie De Beule (Community Manager, Engagor), writes in her article link about some tips to meet customers' expectations on social media:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/3-tips-meet-your-customers-expectations-social-media



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Visual Marketing: An Insight

Visual marketing enables an organization to show products without telling people about them and it also helps brands to share their business and personal stories. Visual marketing can help organization to inspire, connect and engage with their audience quickly and better than a simple text message. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/power-visual-content-marketing-and-brand-storytelling-nutshell-0




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How To Interact With Customers?

Customers are choosing when and how to interact, turning customer relationship management (CRM) and data analysis as the most important thing. So, retailers now need to know about how to engage customers.  Customers have short attention spans and to overcome this, retailers have to offer a more personalized experience. CRM has been used to build a profile of a customer and thus can identify their likes and dislikes, past purchases and interests which in turn will help them to interact with customers in a better way. Personalizing the online experience and product offering is the key to make customers feel valued and listened to by the brand, thereby ensuring that they are likely to revisit in future. Read more about this in the following article link: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/customer-experience/how-can-retailers-get-more-personal-with-their-customers/1411


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Selfies:A New Trend in Marketing Strategies

Nowadays, selfies are very popular. But, the question is how selfies are relevant in promoting a business? Selfies has unlocked opportunities for brands to promote themselves online. They are highly effective at driving likes, shares, and comments. Brands can make use of this trend to increase awareness of their products and services. Noelle Federico (Business manager and CFO of Dreamstime LLC) writes in her article link about some tips to make the most out of selfies: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2015/26755/selfies-for-smbs-marketing-strategies-not-just-for-teens-and-celebrities



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Cause Marketing : An Insight

Cause marketing is a fresh approach in marketing. It has become important because it increases trust and loyalty from customers, which in turn is helping in more sales. According to a 2013 corporate social responsibility study done by Cone Communications and Echo Global, it was found that 91% of global consumers are likely to switch brands to one associated with a good cause given comparable price and quality. To know more, follow Jim Belosic (CEO, ShortStack.com)’s article link: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/3-ways-cause-marketing-can-help-your-brand



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How To Use Feedback To Maximize Business Effectiveness

A feedback survey lays the foundation for decisions and changes within a business. It is an easy-to-use tool for gathering representative and relevant data that helps to take decisions, streamline workflows, improve management processes, and make business changes. Customer satisfaction surveys allow you to get to know what your customers want from your company. It also helps to see how your brand is perceived by audiences. Sabina Stoiciu (writer for 123ContactForm), writes in her article how to use feedback to maximize business effectiveness. To know more, follow: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/24928/three-ways-to-use-feedback-surveys-to-maximize-business-effectiveness




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Tips for Holiday Social Media Marketing

Brands and retailers have the ability to connect directly with their customers and create a more personal shopping experience. Companies can leverage geo-targeting tools to know from where your customer is and user-generated content. Companies can also create a social center with aggregated content from multiple social channels to capture audiences online. Amir Zonozi (Contributor) writes in his article about some tips on holiday social-media marketing. Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240217



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Customer Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are important nowadays as there is stiff competition among companies to win customers. According to a research by Gartner, it was found that 50 per cent of customers cited loyalty programs as the key differentiator between brands. It also shows that these schemes play a key part in the decision process, and therefore right type of engagement is vital in building long-term relationships with customers. Brands also need to consider consistency of message with consumers now using a number of different ways to communicate with providers. In this article by Adam Goran (Divisional Director for Customer Engagement at Grass Roots Group), writes about some key rules of engagement that brands should follow to revive their customer loyalty programs. To know more, follow:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/customer-experience/how-not-to-lose-friends-and-alienate-people-key-rules-of-customer-engagement/1206



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Social Amplification: Useful Marketing Strategy

Social amplification is a very useful tool for marketing strategy. But what is social amplification? Social amplification helps brands to amplify the reach of organic content and grow a community of loyal customers. It also helps brands reach the right audience through social networks. Jennifer Landry (freelance writer) in her article writes about paid social amplification. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2014/26513/how-to-use-paid-social-amplification-for-your-brand-infographic


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Brand Language: Things to keep in mind

Focus groups and social media monitoring tools make it easy for organizations to collect data and consumer responses. There are a few drawbacks connected to brands that marketers need to keep in mind when measuring the success of campaigns. They are- sentiment, dilution and differentiation. To know more, follow the article by Ben Hookway (CEO of Relative Insight) at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/three-critical-things-to-keep-in-mind-with-brand-language



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Mobile Marketing: An Insight

According to a recent survey conducted by Insights West and iamota found that people are using their smartphones than before. They also found that people were taking pictures (96%), accessing social media (77%), reading online news (74%), and checking or comparing prices of products while in store (57%). It was also found that 73% people use their smartphones to research products or services and 42% do it weekly. So, now it has become essential for brands to connect with their clients via mobile technologies. To know more, follow: : http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca/growing-a-business/mobile-marketing-you-can%E2%80%99t-afford-not



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Big Brands Building Social Media Engagement

Ideas like appointment and dimension mean lots to several public. We listen to experts asking us  to interrelate with all our admirers, that social media is concerning one-on-one communications in order to be winners. So, can big brand make social media meeting? Are the experts practice  similar for the brand with 500 admirers as for the brand with five million or more? The answer may be yes and no. The solution to the conversation has to do with level, which is the most misread concepts in advertising. level has to deal with percentage and size. When a little school tries to duplicate a social media movement by a superior school, it possibly doesn't be unsuccessful because the audiences are dissimilar in demographics, requirements, or online behavior. So what happens when we are too big to help with every admirer? The key is to range the plan and not the tactic.Read more at:http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/how-big-brands-build-social-media-engagement

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