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What is the need to replace RPA implementation with OCR?

The enormous amount of data is increasing day by day. But, unfortunately it is reported that the inability to analyze the current data obstructs the businesses to take advantage of the services.  With the use of OCR (optical character recognition) our collected data makes some sense. OCR depends completely on manual checking. Instead of using OCR we can implement RPA (robotics process automation).

So, how we can use RPA? For more information go to:




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Robotic process automation and its reach

In today’s business world, robotic process automation or RPA is everywhere. Nowadays, you can automate any business function with a software robot you wish to. It is found that the emergence of RPA in the enterprise is like an arbitrage of software i.e.  you can use the price differences between business process outsourcing and RPA as an advantage in a business. It is also predicted that the RPA market would grow to $2.9 billion by 2021 from a base of $250 million in 2016. The basic advantage of  RPA is that it can unite with existing business process management (BPM) and workflow tools. Read more at: http://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/robotic-process-automations-reach-expands-in-the-enterprise/?utm_source=cmswire.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cm&utm_content=nl-daily-170823&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTW1SbE16ZzRPVE0wT1dZeCIsInQiOiJ5WXd3XC9Ybm45d3FvUnRwZjIxcGdzcENSK0ZPNCtjNlAraTZ2c2NZMjUyMythMlwvbjJ5dXpVSDJtVXFDWnNVYnRKM2ZcLzB4eGxhbTNia0hwaWlmRWxIMmlJWlhDclhYMTl5bVlVZUdBVklZVFwvQUxTM1NYNVdEamIzTmV5Tmk2YVgifQ%3D%3D



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Is Robotics a curative measure for “cube farms”?

Despite Robots, RPA- Robotic process automation is a part of AI umbrella. Many institutions, like the bankers, are looking for RPA for accessing more efficiency in their system, for cost minimisation, efficient work with operation smooth working, and for customer satisfaction. Bankers use RPA for making things easy and building a smooth working environment that will automatically improve the customer experience. By increasing efficiency and waving out from cube farms, environment RPA application is providing a new software tool that will automate the efficiency in the workplace. Read more at: http://www.bankingexchange.com/news-feed/item/6872-what-you-need-to-know-about-robotics?Itemid=653  

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Robotics Revolution

Software robots are playing an increasing role in workplaces. Robotics helps in improving productivity of the employees. America, at present, is the largest market for RPA (Robotic Process Assistant). RPI is a great fit to the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance sector. RPA has great market potential, but as of now, it has less than 5% share of the total potential share. The most important point is that the RPA will not replace humans completely, but it is likely to provide relief to humans from repetitive, manual and monotonous work. Read more at : http://www.cxotoday.com/story/robotics-in-the-workplace/


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