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Snapchat is the nascent hero in social marketing arena

Snapchat is a newly evolved relatively small social media platform with respect to Facebook and twitter. But it has almost 100 million users and growing at a fast pace. This social media app recently drawn mainstream consumer awareness, especially among people under the age of 35, by fusing its "disappearing" video with unique design, addictive content-delivery methods and a fresh twist on marketing. Snapchat provides a effective marketing process because its messages have some expiry date. So day to day update is the key priority and which will increase salience by launching new videos. Snapchat's community and user experience encourage in-the-moment content. Authenticity is key parameter here. 

To read, follow: http://www.cio.com/article/3043043/marketing/why-snapchat-is-the-next-big-thing-in-digital-marketing.html



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Kerala election relying on social media

Politicians are leveraging their campaign online and now it is being used primarily in the forthcoming Kerala election. Candidates are spending a considerable amount of money to make themselves visible on the social media. Candidates want a website and social media accounts of their own ahead of the May 2016 elections. Several IT firms are approaching candidates who have been asked to create websites and also a social media page.

To know more, please read the article by Vicky Nanjappa (Special Correspondent): -

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Social Media Marketing Doesn't Always Work For The Companies

Social media marketing is tough and takes time to work, but it's not impossible to make it work. These days' entrepreneurs face difficulties while using the social media practices for their marketing plan. When social media doesn't work for any organization then they should try to find the solution to this problem.

Mandy Edwards (founder of ME Marketing Services, a social media marketing company located in Statesboro, Georgia) in her article in business2community.com lists out the various reasons at why the social media marketing does not work which are as follows:

  1. You're trying to do every platform.

 2. You are broadcasting sales pitches instead of building relationships.

3. You are doing too much online.

4. You're trying to do it all yourself- and run your business.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/4-reasons-social-media-marketing-may-not-be-working-for-your-business-01252403

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Wish To Market Your New Product? Go Social

Though underestimated at times, social media marketing is fast becoming a vital necessity for success of business. Due to complexity of the nature of data analysis and increasing number of social media platforms available, the task of adopting the best social strategy may appear confusing. For more productive use of social media for marketing, the author suggests the following: 1) Creating outstanding and attractive content like images, text documents, etc. 2) Adopting social marketing instead of impersonal digital marketing.  3) Developing two way communication channels with the customers.4) Doing proper research. 5) Monitoring social media 6) Being genuine Read more:-  http://www.business2community.com/social-media/key-to-mastering-social-media-marketing-01248568


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Business Value With Social Media Data

A firm needs to build a firm base that gradually can destroy others. The amount of information produced by social media platforms is an excellent way to measure a business’s both real and potential value. 56% of marketers named the ‘inability to tie social media to business outcomes’ as the central challenge to measuring ROI from social media. Gauging customer demand prior to launch using social media helps minimize risk, especially for entrants. Social media data can be correlated with an organization’s KPIs to know their impact upon one another indicating its usefulness. Allowing big data analytics capabilities to the social media platform helps firms to cross-reference social data to other data streams from their business. Read more about this article at: http://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/social-media-analytics

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Brand Loyalty: An Insight in relation to Social Media

Consumers see social media platform as more than an advertising platform. So, it has become one of the ways to create customer loyalty and in turn creates a community through social media and PR. According to Social Habit, 32% of social customers expect a direct online answer within 30 minutes and 42% expect a response within one hour. Nowadays consumer needs are getting higher and brands have to adapt to this social change. Brand loyalty is important as consumers want to be listened to. Brands should also have an online presence, create loyalty schemes, and recognize that their target markets come first. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/why-social-media-and-online-presence-important-brand-loyalty




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Social media: optimizing business profiles

An article by Tom Treanor, founder of Right Mix Marketing, conveys that it is important to maintain a balance between all social media accounts to know the strengths of each social networking site which can give your business organization an interesting mix and help you to reach your target audience. Everybody knows about the popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but there are plenty of others which are slightly less famous but can form an essential ingredient in social media strategy. Thus, from your Facebook page people should be able to go to your Instagram account or your Pinterest page and so on. He also mentioned that one of the biggest strengths of Google plus is that it gives you opportunities to link up with all your other social profiles. It also becomes important for your website to have all your social media profile buttons displayed prominently. Your social media profile has to be driven by the right kind of images and videos. Thus, leveraging the right kind of social media tools can indeed become a huge productivity enhancer for your business organization.


To know more follow http://www.business2community.com/social-media/businesses-can-optimize-social-media-profiles-0844522#!EjbHw



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Instagram: new friend for small businesses

Nowadays businesses are seeing a drastic decrease in organic reach to their followers on Facebook. To increase the reach, organizations must use other social media platform. Instagram is one of such platforms. Instagram is a social media platform that allows its users to share images with other followers and is an easy way to get your business' name out into the universe. This article by Stephanie Jones, social media manager of WSS Marketing, tells us about some tips on how to manage your account in Instagram and turn you into a small business Instagram marketing guru.

Read more at http://socialmediatoday.com/wss-marketing/2350871/instagram-small-businesses-your-new-best-friend


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