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Consequences Of Social Media On Sports Industry

Social media has grown in recent decades and has seriously affected the social culture as well as the industries. It acts as a stimulus for success by qualifying people and encouraging new ideas. Social media has also great impacts on the sports industry. Nowadays every team, league and sports association has a profile on Twitter. The fans gather on Twitter before, during and after the games and hence a team or an athlete's behavior on social media directly affects fan's insight. Currently, a hashtag is associated with all sports show and event and this helps to build relationship with the audience. It acts as a platform for obtaining news, engaging in discussions and enfranchising brands.

To know more about this study, please follow the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonydimoro/2015/07/02/the-growing-impact-of-social-media-on-todays-sports-culture/

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