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Eliminating Gender Pay Gap Through Data Analysis

Gender pay gap in the workplace is one of the most relevant issues which can be solved by data driven decision making. On taking a closer look, it has been found that gaps in pay structure arise from unconscious biases and strategies that benefit one gender more than the other.  Research shows that there is no connection between the fairness of a raise and the effect of that raise on the gender pay gap, making it a complex issue. This can be solved with Data analysis and visualization. Rather than raising the salary of every female employee by the same percentage, building algorithms using companies’ data is more effective to eliminate the gap. This approach also brings the manifestations of unconscious bias in the pay structure to the forefront. Thus, data driven solutions can test salary decisions before making them thereby closing the gap.

Read more at: https://insidebigdata.com/2019/06/26/addressing-demographic-pay-gaps-with-data-driven-solutions/

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