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Significance of using links in Instagram

Online presence is important for any businesses. Ignoring social media channels are not the way to do business now. According to a report, businesses worldwide spend over $5 billion a year. The best way to generate revenue on Instagram is to insert links of your website on Instagram page. Another way to generate leads is to use links on your caption. Find out more at: https://www.business2community.com/instagram/importance-of-links-in-instagram-best-hacks-for-your-profile-02428293




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Why customer satisfaction is important in business

Earlier, customer satisfaction was not the top priority for businesses, but customers nowadays are dependent more on digital environment and this has changed everything. Now, a discontented customer can leave a negative comment on social media or a review and that can have a direct impact on an organization’s image. That is why it is important to make business strategy surrounding customers. This article link explains what customer satisfaction is and how to measure it so that you can improve it. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/how-can-you-measure-and-improve-customer-satisfaction-02410334


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Importance of social media marketing

Social media is not only for socialising anymore. It can be used as a powerful marketing tool. According to research, it is found that 78% of salespeople engaged in social selling are outselling their peers who are not using social media as a marketing tool. This article link describes the three most effective ways that can help you get the maximum benefit out of your social marketing efforts. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/3-powerful-tips-to-make-your-social-media-marketing-more-effective-02409920?traffic_source=Connatix


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Offline SEO tactics

Search Engine Optimization is all about optimizing your brand’s image both offline and online. It is done through by utilizing good quality content. It improves the search engine rankings by increasing your online traffic, thus strengthening the opportunity of enhancing brand identity and higher revenue generation. This article discusses some of the off-page SEO tactics that can be used in 2021. They are: Broken Or Damaged Link Building, Using trusted Resources For Links, Augment Influencer Marketing, Using Social Bookmarking, Create, Use & Distribute Infographics etc. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/seo/off-page-seo-tactics-for-2021-how-to-gain-more-traffic-during-the-pandemic-02402710



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Social Media Engagement Strategies

Building relationships with your consumers is important in expanding your organic reach as well as customer loyalty. Improving your social media engagement also aids in building robust relationships with your users. Social networks also give you the chance to interact directly with customers and fans, and thereby give consumers the opportunity to interact directly with your brand. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/10-ways-to-increase-social-media-engagement-02402230




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Strategies for website optimization

Website optimization is important for any business. For website optimization you need to focus on SEO. There are numerous techniques that you can use to rank higher on search engines.  This article discusses the best practices for website optimization that every webmaster should follow. Here are the some of the strategies: Optimize For Mobile-First Indexing, Improve Page Speed, Fix Core Web Vital Issues, Optimize Meta Title & Description, Optimize Images, Use Schema Markup and more. Read more at:https://www.business2community.com/seo/website-optimization-best-practices-for-2021-02402314?traffic_source=Connatix


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Get Quality Backlinks

Backlink is an important part of SEO. But you do not have to put any extra effort to find backlink.  People will search your website and like what they need to link out from their websites of their own choice. You need to have a robust backlink acquisition strategy for your SEO campaign with some certified methods. These are: Reviewing existing backlinks, researching about competitor backlinks, writing guest posts, looking for brand mentions, building broken links etc. Read more at:https://www.business2community.com/seo/5-ways-to-get-quality-backlinks-02400608




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Need for social media optimization for small businesses

Nowadays, the internet is transforming the way companies find and reach their customers. It is a fact that these small businesses are no longer reliant on billboards and television ads to gain visibility as they can launch powerful, focused campaigns to target their specific niche in the market. In a study it was found that organic searches are favored 94% of the time, and according to another research, the first page of links receives 92% of all clicks. This article explores why a strong search engine optimized content strategy is needed for small businesses. Read more at : 



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Big Data: Key to Creating Powerful Instagram Stories

With benefits like tracking the response of Instagram users to different Instagram stories, delivering better content, deeper understanding of the ROI of various time slots, etc. Instagram marketers can use Big Data to attract more followers and drive more sales. The feature of Instagram stories help increase these numbers backed by big data. Appealing content for Instagram stories can be created by first determining the goal of the story. Next, a great concept story needs to be spun to convey the benefits of the brand’s products to Instagram users. After building the concept, the story outline needs to be created which should then be sketched visually. Application of these steps and proper incorporation of Big Data should keep Instagram marketers from buying followers without causing any hindrance in the achievement of their goals.

Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/big-data-for-instagram-using-data-to-perfect-instagram-storyboard/

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Nowadays video based marketing is a great way to engage with customers and increase followers. Recent studies have found that open rate increases by almost six percent if videos are included in emails. Not only that it is an implausible way to ensure engagement and increase sales substantially. Videos in email save time and are easily understandable to the viewer. Apart from that, it is cost effective and it quickly grabs audiences’ attention. However companies must be well aware of the fact that using videos in each and every email can go against the marketing tactics resulting in ignorance by the subscribers. Being creative, choosing the right email provider and monitoring open rates are some of the important tasks that should not be neglected while using videos in email marketing. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/video-marketing/your-2019-guide-on-how-to-use-video-in-email-marketing-02211325

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Big Data, Visual Social Media and Marketing

Big Data is facilitating the marketing profession by giving marketers the advantage of detailed analytics capabilities. Visual social media networks like Pinterest and Instagram collect enormous data on their users, optimizing which, marketers can reach potential customers. This is where big data’s role comes in. In order for tracking the performance of different posts to derive patterns, online tools use machine learning to help marketers develop more engrossing pictures. Big data helps in keyword analysis as well where marketers look at the monthly search volume of different keywords to reach more customers. Shrewd marketers use big data get more views and hence expand their audience. Marketers using social networks need to keep up with new trends which be forecasted and prepared for using predictive analytics.

Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/data-optimization-facilitates-pinterest-and-instagram-marketing/

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The emerging role of memes in social media marketing

Apart from breaking the internet and keeping people entertained, memes play an important role in social media marketing. Correct memes make businesses socially relevant. However before using memes one must become familiar with it and know the proper use. Misusing a meme can have an exact opposite impact on the business. Identifying the target audience is another important factor. It is futile to use those memes that customers cannot relate to.  Memes should be used sparingly- they should help enhance the content of the company on social media.Creating original memes instead of sharing the popular ones can help promote the brand more effectively. Hence memes can be a great idea for social media marketing if used in the right way. Making audiences laugh and keeping them satisfied can help build customers’ trust on the brand and hence the company.Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-to-use-memes-in-your-social-media-marketing-02208299

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Strategy for mobile app development

Mobile users are growing across the world and so seldom does people login from their desktop. Therefore, if you have an aggressive business strategy, then you should think of creating a mobile app and choose a mobile app service provider. But, knowing the functional steps before processing is also essential. Know about these functional steps at: 



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How to make a smart social media marketing plan

Nowadays, brand audience controls what they want to see on a smart phone, tablet, computer or television. So, organizations need to connect with your online community and build relationships in a meaningful way. Therefore, smart social media marketing for your brand should begin with a focused strategy. This article explores the ways to build your personal brand and convert leads online. Read more at:  



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Importance of video marketing

Nowadays, effective B2B video marketing content is helping firms to tell compelling stories, thus showcasing their expertise or company culture, and boost conversions. It is a fact that video already governs social media, and it is now becoming central to any marketing strategy. So, it is time to start to incorporate video content into your marketing strategy. This article explores seven ideas of how you can leverage video to create excitement, build relationships and engage with clients and employees. Read more at: 



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Why SEO and PPC are essential for marketing strategies

Nowadays, SEO and PPC are two essential marketing strategies. So, it is vital to first understand the difference between these two most popular approaches. SEO or search engine optimization is an organic or non-paid procedure of marketing that helps build site authority with some other benefits. PPC or pay per paid campaigns are more straightforward as a business running a PPC campaign pays for clicks, impressions or customer acquisitions. Read more at:  https://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/seo-vs-ppc-how-to-choose-whats-best-for-your-business-02162097


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Benefits of online store

It is the age of online. You can sell anything and everything online. So, if you give importance to efficiency, quality and consistency in your branding and marketing campaigns, setting up an online store might be the single solution that will solve multiple problems in your organization. Read more at: 



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Future content trends

Nowadays, organizations focus on creating the right content to appeal to B2B customers. We all know that content is the king, but we must know what to produce, and what to do with it, is what will keep it upon its throne. Read more at: 



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Why content is the king

Content is the king and businesses can and should leverage some form of content marketing if they recognize and respond to a few key digital marketing trends. It is important to have a clear profile of your ideal customer, also known as your buyer persona. The next thing that an organization should keep their content creative as well as unique and you must promote it well too. Read more at: 



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Why video marketing content is important

Every business wants themselves to be noticed and it is found that the average click-through rate (CTR) of display ads is 0.05 percent. So, it is important to add video in your marketing content strategy as video is becoming an increasingly effective way to engage your followers and gain new subscribers and can also use video to provide your customers with valuable information. Read more at: 



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