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The emerging role of memes in social media marketing

Apart from breaking the internet and keeping people entertained, memes play an important role in social media marketing. Correct memes make businesses socially relevant. However before using memes one must become familiar with it and know the proper use. Misusing a meme can have an exact opposite impact on the business. Identifying the target audience is another important factor. It is futile to use those memes that customers cannot relate to.  Memes should be used sparingly- they should help enhance the content of the company on social media.Creating original memes instead of sharing the popular ones can help promote the brand more effectively. Hence memes can be a great idea for social media marketing if used in the right way. Making audiences laugh and keeping them satisfied can help build customers’ trust on the brand and hence the company.Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-to-use-memes-in-your-social-media-marketing-02208299

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All About Drip Marketing

These days drip marketing is an important tactic for modern marketing campaigns and aims to apply a slow-but-steady approach to winning customers through a carefully custom-made series of messages. Though drip marketing is usually applied to email campaigns, it is also applicable to direct mail and phone campaigns as well. It uses timed messages to build interest and willingness to purchase in the recipients of the messages. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/drip-marketing-for-crm-78920



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How Banks Are Using Artificial Intelligence Upfront And Behind The Scenes

According to authors, AI is radically changing  the face of banking.  From daily  customer dealings ,learning from them and interacting  with them to becoming the face of their brand , AI/Robots simplifies complex tasks, by, informing  customers about their account balances, prevailing interest rates on mortgages, securities, making  transfers and payments based on voice recognition authentication, interacting in different languages thereby making transactions smooth and flexible and resolving customer grievances online. AI covers the following three techies :   1) Language processing, enabling  communication between computers and  humans, 2)Enables computers in locating similarities and comparing disparities between new and existing datasets , to sketch out patterns, via Machine Learning  and  3)Advanced software system  that provide personalized advice.   Read more at https://aitrends.com/financial-services/how-artificial-intelligence-will-revolutionize-banking/


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Reach Out to The Global Customers!

In order to have an extensive customer base, inclusive of people from all over the world you need to check how efficiently you manage one of the most difficult tasks of targeting the right group of new consumers. When you know you are the lucky one to take birth in digital era, then be luckier and use it to sell information and subscription to the world. Sometimes staying quiet might help so please do not engage in any sort of politics over social media, which relates to the sentiments of your customers. This goes without saying, appear in all major social platforms and avoid the smaller ones. Boosting about the quality you provide accompanied by strong testimonials might help you to draw attention of the new customers. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279226


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Big Data In Hospitality Industry

The use of analytics can bring major change in the hospitality sector. It is important for hoteliers to understand the preference of the guests, purchase behavior and profitability in order to increase the brand loyalty. By using analytics, it is easier to do segmentation according to booking trends, behavior and other constituents. To know more about the use of analytics in the hospitality sector, read the following article by Bernard Marr (Contributor at Forbes)-:




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Artificial Intelligence for the good of consumers!

The intelligence exhibited by machines is called artificial intelligence (AI). To a layman this field is full of mystery. But AI is embedded is many things that often go unnoticed. Organizations are using AI to make the consumer experience better. So, you are no longer cluttered with irrelevant ads. The recommendations on the social media platforms are the result of machine learning and artificial intelligence models. There are smart entertainment apps that learn from your behavior and choose what is best suited for you. To read more follow:   http://insidebigdata.com/2016/02/12/why-consumers-need-to-stop-fearing-artificial-intelligence/

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The seven different ways to impress and convince your customers

The key to sustain and attract customer is to present the worth of your product. The grace to attain and greet your customer is the primary step to impress the customer. One should be inquisitive i.e. the customer needs should be identified and customer should be given the maximum priority and importance for the moment. The knowledge about the organization and its working should be precisely known so that one can properly answer to the doubts of the customers. A proper teamwork is needed to collaborate and consolidate the working process so that the organization stays more organized and presentable to the customers whatsoever. There is a need to present the structure and information of the company in a decent and nice way so that customers get the right impression. After the whole process, the selling process should be closed and the customer should be thoroughly valued by the organization.  All you need to do after the whole process is to follow up with the customers to analyze and coordinate with the customers on a continuous basis. Read more at:http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/7-ways-to-wow-your-customers-01279642

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How Social Media Purchasing Affects Marketing

Initially social media was used for socializing but with the progress of time it has undergone an impactful makeover. It is not only about advertising to a huge section of consumers but it is also the fundamental tool to influence customers. Firms will be able to determine basic information about their customers while marketing over social media and as a result the probability of obtaining clear data rises. This enables quick and easy access to data. The data collected from social media platforms are more or less accurate. However companies should take advantage of the various social media networking sites for trading their products and thereby improving both data and content.

To know more about this study, please follow the link: http://www.business2community.com/social-selling/social-media-purchasing-feature-changing-marketing-01283019


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The trending technology across the globe



The upgradation and integration of the existing technologies have helped the market in gaining up momentum and keeping up the harmony of the social world. With the advanced equipment and technological know how they can boost up the working of the tertiary sector. The world class leaders aims at satisfying the customers so as to mobilize the proper working of the sectors. The implementation of new techniques is to meet the demands of the information technology, software management companies. The step into the next generation lies with the advancement of the technology, increased productivity and to gratify the demand of the customers.

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Happy Customers, Happy Brands – Ways of keeping your customers Satisfied

The best of form of marketing is through your customers! If they're happy, you'll find your products selling, but if customers aren't happy, you'll find yourself in a bit of a tough spot. Success of a brand not only depends on how awesome the product is, but also on customer satisfaction. Keeping customers happy is more than a prerequisite in today's world for the success of a brand. Right from respecting your customers to investing in improving customer loyalty, each impacts the performance of the company; this is reflected directly on the sales! Follow the below link to find out ways to keep your customer happy: 


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Five Practices For Successful B2B Social Media Programs

Marketers are concerned about the social media programs that they undertake. It often gives the impression that they are plunging into social media but however they don't really get the desired results. The five steps which ensure that B2B social media program come apart in place are as follows:

  •  To be familiar with the buyer's behavior by investing in a social listening platform will help to keep updated with the existing media activities.
  • Creation of people's content would enable to build trust with prospects.
  • Creating and sharing the brand content actively on various social media channels to grab buyer's attention.
  • Capture prospects, customers and influencers to focus on establishment of relationships and not sales.
  • Tracking and calculating social media progress in order to know that the company is in which stage with the social media.

Read more at: http://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/b2b-social-media-5-practices-for-doing-it-right/

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Understanding Business Competition

To be successful in any business, you need to understand your competition. We have to think why customers choose one product over another. We have to consider all types of competition to ensure success in business. Competition can be either Direct (competing by selling the same products) or Indirect (competing for the same market). To know about completion, follow Jessica Oman (author)’s article link: http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca/starting-a-business/understanding-your-competition 


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Basics of customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is important in any organization but the main criteria is to achieve and maintain it. Customer satisfaction can be achieved when any organization gives importance to service. But, the key question is how to retain quality service? To know more about quality service, please follow John Tschohl (Founder and President, Service Quality Institute, Minneapolis)’s article link: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/828/Default.aspx



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Branding and its importance

According to some people branding is equivalent to ranking but actually you can position yourself at different times in different markets as different things. Branding is a hard-core recognition factor. We are a generation and a nation wanting to be special. We want to be richer, more beautiful, better dressed, and more effortlessly gorgeous than any other generation that we know. Contrary to how many people think branding is not just a logo and brings with itself benefits of it. Branding your business ensures that consumers will know what you're about and so you are remembered. Secondly, people build close bonds with brand identities. Consumers want quality products that they can trust and you gain customer loyalty easily. While Internet branding offers huge opportunities for business, in order for it to be effective, one needs to attract and engage its customers and that is not easy on the Internet. Your Internet branding strategy should make your online brand noticeable and apparent. Think of the message you want to convey and the image you want to be formed and that is your brand. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/understanding-branding-importance-marketing-your-business

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What is the relationship between Six Sigma and innovation?

Six Sigma has been the key driver for performance improvement for many companies. One of the structured innovation techniques that can be used for tactical innovation within the DMAIC cycles is the TRIZ methodology. One necessary aspect of the definition of innovation from our point of view is that it must result in a significant improvement for customers or some segment of society. One thing is certain, and that is the repeatable, reliable and predictable application of innovation is going to require putting some structure around it.  For an organization or company to be competitively excellent, innovation will be required of all and the only way to make that happen is to put structure into the innovation process. And of course, structure connotes Six Sigma. There's that cycle again-one leading to or needing the other.  According to Mikel Harry, a legitimate founder of Six Sigma, Six Sigma was designed and introduced to generate breakthrough improvement. And that is going to require innovation. Clearly, a balance is needed, for Six Sigma may not have been implemented as it should have been, or maybe the necessary structure for the realization of repeatable and reliable innovation has not yet been established. Nonetheless, it is both clear and proven that Six Sigma needs innovation and that innovation needs Six Sigma, and when they are united, innovation and Six Sigma are an unbeatable force. Read more at: 


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How to get great customers?

One of the marketing questions is: "Is there a pattern to how best customers are acquired, and if so, how to repeat it?" If customers' interactions are tracked prior to their first purchase, and track which ones remain good customers and which ones we never see again, then we much more informed decisions can be made about spending precious customer acquisition marketing budget. Three things we should consider are:  Firstly whether you're an online-only or a multi-channel retailer, think about how to collect pre-purchase activity data, even if the data is anonymous. Secondly, think about how you can correlate this data with your customer purchase history. Thirdly, look for repeatable acquisition patterns among your customers, and don't forget to look at timing patterns as well as the usual sources and marketing types. Read more at: 

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Tactics to build customer loyalty

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First imitation generates outlook, and potential die hard. Forecast building their first contact with the company should immediately decide that they are in the right place. 2. All consumers are not shaped alike: Some clients price relationships and personal interactions. Others value effectiveness, charge and time savings, soothe and avoid ache. 3. Express company’s price plan in the lot we do. All of our communications with clients must respond two questions: What do they actually purchase from my brand, and why should they procure it from my business? Patrons who are reminding of our business’s rate remain devoted. 4. Do extra than produce our point: We must also speak in traditions to which our buyer is attracted.Supply several channel for consumers to express their opinion. 5. Recognize why clients abscond. Superior CRM shines a limelight on client leaves, probing for ways to advance and evils to repair


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Stages of marketing maturity


Marketers are now using advanced analytic to spend less and get better results. On average, marketers use four to seven operational systems to interact with customers in areas like social media, mobile, email, display, budgeting/spend planning and campaign planning. The first stage of marketing maturity is getting your data in one place. Next, you begin to develop segments to understand the profile of new customers and their preferred engagement channels. In stage three, then focus on marketing attribution. Then marketers understand what's happened in the past and what's likely to happen in the future. It offers marketers leading indicators of the base of customers, by segment, is about to do next. These answers change the game in retail by seeing customer data light up. Read more at: 

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Will customers trade privacy for relevancy?

According to a recent survey by the International Data Corporation's program director, Greg Girard, just 14 percent of consumers could be considered "privacy spenders”, 47 percent are "privacy hoarders" and 39 percent of consumers are "privacy value seekers,". Both privacy hoarders and privacy spenders are comfortable with retailers using online purchase data for serving them better. They become cautious when it comes to retailers managing their online behavior via social media or other Web activity. Since different retailers attract different demographics, retailers need to know how their customers feel about privacy. Consumers will protest if they feel that the information they are sharing to retailers is not protected. “Trust is not just individually built with a retailer, but affected by these more "external drivers," Girard explains. The challenge will be "how well retailers individually, and as an industry, exercise the responsibility they have to safeguard their customers' data and to use it correctly to deliver value," Girard underscores. Read more at: 


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Role of Enhanced Ecommerce in online retail shopping

Enhanced e-commerce is a trending reason nowadays for the uprising online retail shopping. It includes tracking code updates, data model changes, and new end-user reports that address many ecommerce-specific use cases. Together they help online retailers see farther and understand customer behaviors better than ever before. According to reports, online retail grew above 30% in year 2013. Digital data has played an essential role in that growth offering deep insights into online shopping behavior and letting retailers make smarter moves. But needs are rapidly increasing and retailers are requiring more sophisticated and comprehensive analysis tools to understand shoppers and improve product-level performance. We should analyze how far shoppers get in the shopping bag and understand which products are viewed most and which are frequently abandoned in cart. We should also create product lists for onsite merchandising rules, product landing pages to see which lists and products are best at driving customer engagement and analyze how internal promotions impact sales and act immediately on the results. Read more at: 

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