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All new type of memory

Scientists from Fudan University, Shanghai, recently published their research revealing an all new type of memory. We have heard about RAM and ROM, and both of these memories have their own limitations like RAM is volatile but Super-fast and ROM can store huge amount of data but it is Very slow. This all new type of memory is claimed to be able to store data as long as we want. This technology works on two dimensional semi-floating gate transistors. Unfortunately, research is still going on and we will require to use our traditional RAM ROM for a little long till this research turns out to be a public product. And also there’s no doubt that this technology can bring revolution in terms of data storage, security, data transfer and many more.

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Computers writing code by itself

Recently a team of researchers developed an AI based system that can write codes for the programmers and it can also predict the solutions for them. The system uses neural sketch learning method of deep learning to recognize patterns in millions of codes written in Java. Also, the system itself is trained by using millions of Java programs. Currently, it can be used to evaluate undocumented APIs that can be quite difficult for any programmer to use. This is the starting and we can visualize the upcoming future of how AI can help programmers in writing codes, moreover solving the problems which are quite difficult to solve by humans or may take a long time. 

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Tips to move from IT professional to IT manager

As the time passes by, it becomes a boring schedule to do the same task over and over again. Everyone wishes for some promotions in his career. There are some people who wish to move from complete IT and coding schedule to some IT management routine. So here are some tips for moving in that direction. 

Keep a check on the company visions and missions. Talk with your managers regarding how the company is performing and what are its future perspectives. Begin with leading your own team. Give your contribution in both technical and managerial rolls .Consult others on how they use the technology to achieve the same business task. Try picking up some managerial skills. All this small efforts will guide you in the path towards an IT Manager.

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Rise of Edge Computing

Evidently, there has been massive adaptation of cloud in the industry. As everything begins to operate on cloud, it also generates massive amount of data. Also, just IoT is not just enough, because it’s no more just a “Thing”; this thing, now, can be an automated car, a drone or anything which makes it a necessity to think beyond Cloud computing and brings us a glimpse of Edge computing. Edge computing can significantly provide better throughput, improved performance, and customised processing of data as per the needs of each user.

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Robots, Now in Space

On 29th June 2018, NASA launched, CIMON, the very first AI-Powered robot into the space. The bot is built with a really interactive AI program which is meant to interact with the people in the space station. Also, it can even assess the human mood and is programmed to answer the voice commands in English. And one more great thing, is it is unlike any mechanical bot/part of space station. It has got its own smiley like face on a space and it can itself move around the space station in zero gravity. It is really interesting to see the pace and direction of technological advancements. 

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How big data can help in customer service domain?

In every enterprise the customer care services are the most essential part because it not satisfies the customers but it also leads to more productivity. To build the customer loyalty and drive your business to heights it’s important to care the customer service domain. Services of new customer care software platform which involves big data has took this domain to a new level.

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AI based First Forex trading robot

Foreign exchange market is the word which is enough capable to draw attention of many people. Some people treat it as a fast money making technique while some people says it’s a way to enter the gambling world. Foreign exchange market is just a virtual platform which involves trading of different currencies. So what forex trading is? How AI and robotics can be involved in trading? What actually forex robots can do?

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How to become a data scientist?

Data science comes with a new era on IT industries. From AI, ML, big datadata analytics and many more data science is proving its importance. With the emerging business plans on big data the requirement and demands of data scientists are also getting higher. Here are the guidelines to the students who want to pursue data science as their career. 

 Education background should relate to computer science.

 Beginning of your career experience and work focus

 Learning opportunities and certification

 Mid-career experience and certification

 Data science expertise and professionalism

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How AI and ML can contribute towards developing an intelligent cloud?

With reference to the aura spread by artificial intelligence and machine learning every enterprise is making their ideas with the relevance of these two giants. We are aware of the concept of cloud computing that it provides the storage and networking space over the internet which eventually reduces human efforts and cost. This sounds absolutely awesome. But what’s next? Can cloud be developed as “Intelligent Cloud”? Introducing the union of AI, ML and cloud, this will definitely raise the standards of cloud computing in future. The intelligent cloud will have the ability to learn from the enormous amount of data, builds up predictions accordingly and end up analyzing situations. This platform seems to perform tasks with high speed and provides greater efficiency. 



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How Artificial Intelligence is helping in startup plans?

Since last few years many startups has come up with some fantastic ideas which expands the scope of AI all over the world. Indians are also implementing various brilliant ideas of AI in their business startups. Here is the list of top 10 AI based startup plans which are leading the race.

1) Vernacular.ai: build multi-lingual chatbots for businesses

2) Fablulyst: helps all the online shoppers to buy based on their inputs.

3)  Artivatic data labs: helps large businesses and developers to come up with intelligent products and solutions with minimal development time and efforts.

4) Arya.ai: assists people in their daily core tasks

5) TAO automation: provides automated consultation which helps people in further optimization process.

6) Box.ai: build up a product which is capable of solving various analytics problems.

7) AskArvi: smart personal insurance platforms

8) ThirdWatch: E-commerce fraud-prevention platform

9) Embibe : educational startup, uses self-learning algorithm and machine learning

10) Mad Street Den: improve retail experience all over the world.


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How ActiveOps is securing G-cloud for betterment digital operation management?

ActiveOps is one of the leading providers of digital operation management, but somehow it couldn’t find any place to store G-cloud data with security. But now ActiveOps has come up with G-cloud 10 framework which assures and deliver greater efficiency and productivity by combining software and services.The G-cloud is made up with the ideology that most of the public sector can have the maximum advantages of cloud based automated services with more groundwork and prognostication.




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Tech-Powered Cancer Screening Made Possible by AI

Let’s all think of a time when skin cancers can be detected to the earliest possible thus increasing the chances of surviving this catastrophic disease by 99 percent. Will this not mean a world of difference for patients diagnosed with skin cancer? Yes it will surely do when the early detection is accompanied with reaping off the various resource and time constraints that keep people from heading to the doctors early. This is exactly why two developers, Peter Ma, an independent developer and part of the Intel Software Innovator Program, along with co-founder Mike Borozdin had screened their own hands to create a free, artificial intelligence-powered screening program completely online. They developed an AI solution which has the same level of intelligence as that of a dermatologist and the power to determine and classify skin cancer types. The technology used is known as Doctor Hazel and uses deep-learning neural networks, pulling 8000 variables simultaneously to screen and classify skin cancer with 80 percent accuracy. It is now possible for anyone to go online and upload a picture of a concerning mole and obtain results within seconds. Thanks to the use of Intel’s Movidius Neural Compute Stick, an edge device that is able to classify cancer images in real time and offline, the AI solution has a wider applicability in places where internet access is scarce. This will in future empower the healthcare capabilities to improve quality of care for the patients as well as reduce time for physicians.

Read more at: https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2018/07/ai-makes-free-tech-powered-cancer-screening-possible


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Boeing’s Hypersonic Vision

Boeing’s hypersonic passenger plane concept unveiled at the 2018 Aviation and Aeronautics Forum hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on June 26, looks like something out of science fiction. The hypersonic aircraft is one of such vehicles which could have both military and commercial applications. It looks sleek and futuristic having the capability of traveling at speeds of Mach 5 and beyond. Built upon a foundation of six decades of work designing, developing and flying experimental hypersonic vehicles, Boeing is truly unveiling the potentiality of hypersonic technology that connects the world faster than ever before. While Boeing is setting its sight for hypersonic passenger travel, NASA is working on its latest project of building a quiet supersonic plane named X-59 QueSST experimental aircraft. This project aims to minimize the disruptive sonic booms that have prevented commercial supersonic flights over land in the past.

Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/62963-boeing-hypersonic-plane.html


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Hybrid Cloud Model and its Applicability in Healthcare Organizations

Adopting a hybrid cloud model, a cloud computing environment using a mix of private cloud, third party public cloud services and on premises, has significant benefits if used in healthcare organizations. It not only allows them to take advantages of existing IT services and quick scaling out new resources but also ties various systems together for a seamless end-user experience. Moreover the journey towards the cloud does not need a complete infrastructural haul. However when considering a transition to a hybrid cloud model, the IT decision-makers should think through several considerations including leader requirements for shifts in culture, licensing, processes, system and host of other issues. Few tips for any healthcare organization to smoothen the path towards a hybrid cloud model are listed as follows:

·         Assessing and evaluating the cost-saving structure specific to the healthcare organization.

·         Identifying with the effects of cloud control and its management.

·         Preparing beforehand for impacts on the Service-Level Agreements.

·         Maintaining Software Licensing Compliance.

·         Proper Skills Developing to Support the New IT Environment.

·         Preparing Healthcare Staffs for Cultural Shifts.

Read more at: https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2018/07/6-tips-smooth-your-move-hybrid-healthcare-cloud


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Harnessing Nuclear Fusion Power by 2030

What is it that keeps our sun and other stars burning? It is the nuclear energy caused by nuclear fusion of hydrogen into the heavier element helium. The proponents of such nuclear fusion say that the energy has the capacity to make other types of electricity generation obsolete. It can lighten more than 700,000 average American homes by producing large amounts of electricity from relatively small amounts of the heavy hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, which are relatively abundant in ordinary seawater. A UK-based nuclear fusion company, Tokamak Energy has heated for the first time a plasma of hydrogen to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius) in a new reactor -hotter than the core of the sun. This test will create a milestone possibly by 2030 by producing commercial electricity from fusion power. The company also announced the creation of the superhot plasma inside its experimental ST40 fusion reactor which contains the fusion reaction inside powerful magnetic fields, in early June. The test has been a success so far which means the reactor will now be prepared next year for a test of even hotter plasma, of more than 180 million degrees.

Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/62929-plasma-fusion-reactor-tokamak.html


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Big Data: A goldmine for automotive industry

As per the reports by SNS Telecom & IT, Big Data investment will cross $3.3 Billion by the end of 2018. Real time and historic data is rapidly gaining attraction towards diverse range and various sectors. There are many key findings in the report generated by SNS which ensures the widening scope of Big Data. 

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How AI is a blessing to all the organization?

We are aware of the spells by AI in changing the appearance of business process both online as well as offline. AI has replaced many human functions in the industry through automated systems in field of communication and answering phone calls, emails etc. Technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon are investing their more power, time and money in strengthening their AI sector. So how AI is helping these organizations?

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How deep learning is a benefaction for police?

Investigation is crucial part for police because it only helps to catch the real criminal. But after collecting all the evidences and information, the case becomes more difficult to figure out as each information tells a different story. Nowadays when technology is on the peak of its uses, deep learning is giving its contribution by helping police through video footage analysis. Videos gathered from different number of sources are analyzed by a smart software which implements algorithms of deep learning for detection. Want to know, how it works? Visit: 




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How humanoid robots are prepared to match the capabilities of biological human?

The replicas of human behavior, emotions and expressions are resulted as humanoid robots. Technologies and science drop a bombshell together by making the humanoid robots which leaves humans amazed. Organizations are spending on different technologies to create a perfect robot which is capable to survive in between humans and can work. Here are some closer achieving robots to the target of matching the human capabilities. 

1. Sophia

2. Junku Chihira

3. Erica

4. Geminoid DC

5. Nadine

6. Jia Jia

For detailed information about these robots visit:




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Exposing the capabilities of AI, IoT and Blockchain

AI is in the way of setting its roots in every company. AI got its mass recognition and acceptance when different startups initiated its deployment in their businesses. Different sensors, reliable networks and intelligent analytics have enhanced IoT in a fantastic manner. Recently, Government of India announced a 13-digit mobile number that power IoT to GSM. And the ministry of electronics and IT are going to implement more such functional devices. Blockchains are somehow associated with cryptocurrency and that’s the reason companies are using a it for fraud control and patent tracking.  But, financial services along with banks and insurers are trying with blockchain technology to develop a useful common customer repository. 

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