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Social Web Ecosystem

Social ecosystem is based on channels, media, platforms and social web tools that create both internal and external communication and marketing processes. Isra Garcia (Business Transformation, Marketing & Disruptive Innovation), writes in his article link about social web ecosystem and how to use it:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/2015-02-16/how-create-your-social-media-marketing-ecosystem-infographic




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Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Nowadays, social media is important for any successful digital marketing strategy. ROI of social media marketing can be a great tool for optimizing web presence. Gary Dek (Blogger), writes in his article link about how to avoid social media marketing mistakes, and ways to ensure campaign’s success: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/10-social-media-marketing-mistakes-businesses-must-avoid-01143556




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Social Customer Data: An Insight

Social media for brands is to have two-way conversations with their customers. But, using social media as a means to broadcast or push messages is not attracting customers nowadays. Sofie De Beule (Community Manager, Engagor) writes in her article link about what type of data is valuable to create meaningful conversations and how brands can truly make sense of it: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/3-key-steps-make-sense-social-customer-data


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How To Meet Customers Expectations On Social Media

51% of brands believe real-time social media engagement is their biggest challenge on social media. According to a research it was found that 72% of customers expect brands to reply within an hour. So, it is Imperative to know how brands can meet their customers' expectations? Sofie De Beule (Community Manager, Engagor), writes in her article link about some tips to meet customers' expectations on social media:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/3-tips-meet-your-customers-expectations-social-media



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Digital Marketing Budgets In 2015

In a recent study it was found that 38% of marketers plan to shift spend from traditional advertising to digital advertising in 2015, 42% are planning to do advertising with more B2C marketers, and 34% are planning to move spend to digital than B2B marketers. It was further found that marketers plan to allocate more budget on social media advertising, social media marketing, social media engagement, location-based mobile tracking, and mobile applications. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26900/2015-digital-marketing-budgets-top-priorities-metrics-and-challenges




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Visual Marketing: An Insight

Visual marketing enables an organization to show products without telling people about them and it also helps brands to share their business and personal stories. Visual marketing can help organization to inspire, connect and engage with their audience quickly and better than a simple text message. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/power-visual-content-marketing-and-brand-storytelling-nutshell-0




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Difference Between SEM and SEO

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) consists of different techniques to connect a search engine's technology. SEM include SEO and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads. SEO and SEM are often used interchangeably. But, SEO is a subset of SEM. The question here arises that what is the difference between SEO and SEM. SEO's aim is to provide organic search results for free while with SEM, search are not always be free as it uses paid ads for the certain keywords on search engine results page. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/what-main-difference-between-seo-and-sem



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Content Important For Business Website

If a business website does not convince the audience, business might lose a client and it was proved that 7 percent of visitors leave a web page within the first 20 seconds if it isn't interesting. Rob Keating (Owner of Lead Generating Websites), writes in his article link about some tips to help business website content to be successful: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-content/five-content-musts-for-your-business-website/1425




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Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015

Brand publishing is the new content marketing. It's more authentic. It is more transparent. In 2015, brands will become publishers. Irfan Ahmad (Blogger, social media savvy and infographic designer, Digital Information World) writes about Social Media Marketing Trends in 2015. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/2015-social-media-marketing-trends-you-cannot-miss-infographic



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Importance Of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of any business. It allows a business to promote and market its own brand and is a key element in assisting consumers in their decision making process. Social media pages increase recognition and companies can advertise to potential customers and clients by posting relevant content.  It was found that 71% of all internet users are now active on social media sites.  Companies nowadays are developing content marketing strategies, sharing blogs, infographics, and whitepapers. Customers and clients also interact directly with businesses via social media. It helps businesses to build customer loyalty and strengthen their brand image. Katie Alyward and Chloe Hutchinson-Brown (Northstar Research Partners) in their article link writes about the ways to track the reputation of any business and performance on social media sites:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/social-media-marketing/the-importance-of-social-media-within-a-business/1274



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Tracking Social Media

In any business social media is essential. Study has shown that on average a majority of companies don’t know how to measure their social media ROI. Businesses must have a clearly defined goal of what they would like to achieve from social media marketing and should update posts, tweets and pins relevant to their business goal. Right tools must be used for tracking social media. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/social-media-marketing/how-to-track-your-social-media-success/1331


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Messaging Apps: An Emerging Trend

 Messaging apps are changing the social media landscape. They are more than SMS. They might replace email, voice calls. Messaging apps brings together a defined group of people to address a question, issue or topic. Messaging apps allows us to behave naturally. In 2015 it is predicted that there will be an increasing volume of discussions in these micro-communities as more people will use apps such as WhatsApp. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/why-messaging-apps-will-change-social-media-landscape-2015-0



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Leveraging Social Media Networks

Social media is very important nowadays. According to a research done by Pew Research Internet Project, the following statistics was found. They are: 74% of online adults use social networking sites, 19% of online adults use Twitter, 71% of online adults use Facebook and 21% use Pinterest. So, businesses must leverage social media. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/leverage-social-media




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Brand Loyalty: An Insight in relation to Social Media

Consumers see social media platform as more than an advertising platform. So, it has become one of the ways to create customer loyalty and in turn creates a community through social media and PR. According to Social Habit, 32% of social customers expect a direct online answer within 30 minutes and 42% expect a response within one hour. Nowadays consumer needs are getting higher and brands have to adapt to this social change. Brand loyalty is important as consumers want to be listened to. Brands should also have an online presence, create loyalty schemes, and recognize that their target markets come first. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/why-social-media-and-online-presence-important-brand-loyalty




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Emerging Trends for Social Media

Online presence is a must for every business nowadays. So, social media has become very important. According to Statista, there are about 1.79 billion users in social media in 2014 and it is projected to reach about 2.44 billion by 2018. William Johnson (Web Designer) writes in this article about the emerging trends in social media. These trends are: Social Media Marketing to Go Mobile, Use of Images, Marketing through Short Videos to Become Popular, Viral Marketing to Become Attractive, Companies to Use Real-time Marketing to Serve Customers, and LinkedIn and Instagram to Become the Most Important Platforms. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/top-7-anticipated-social-media-trends-2015




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SEO Tactics: A Report

According to a recent report from Conductor and Ascend2, it was found that 54% of marketing and sales professionals say quality content creation is one of the most effective search engine optimization tactics they employ. It was also found that 50% of respondents say frequent website updating is also considered important to SEO success. To know more about SEO tactics, follow Ayaz Nanji (independent digital strategist)’s article link: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26603/enterprise-seo-benchmarks-top-tactics-challenges-and-metrics



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Strategies of Mobile Marketing

Nowadays mobile is important. So, companies are giving importance to mobile marketing. But we need to know what mobile marketing is. Mobile marketing is optimizing your marketing strategies for people using a mobile device i.e. to create an optimized experience for every single device. Companies should give importance to responsive design and mobile ROI. Read more at: : http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/generating-leads-mobile-marketing



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Managing Social Media Crisis

Social media crisis is defined by Gartner a crisis that arises in or is amplified by social media, and results in negative mainstream media coverage, a change in business process, or financial loss. Brand loyalty and trust are elements that need to be built into your crisis strategy. Timely responses and communicating updates will help to keep customers satisfied. Businesses should have a good social media crisis strategy. To know more, follow: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/how-manage-social-media-crisis



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Social Data: An Insight

In today’s world, the Voice of Customer (VOC) and data derived from social conversations are valuable as this helps businesses to know their customer. Social data help businesses to give a complete picture about your current and prospective customers, their needs, their likes/dislikes and in turn help to build and nurture long-term meaningful relationships with customers and also helps to make business strategy. To know more, follow Ekaterina Walter (Author; International Speaker; Global Evangelist, Sprinklr)’s article link: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/digital-analytics-unlocking-power-social-data



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Social Media Intelligence: An Insight

Visual social intelligence brings businesses closer to their customers. If companies have real-time data, they can identify influencers, respond to customer concerns, and track business success. Social media intelligence gathered and analyzed by the marketing team is useful for campaign planning, PR tracking, and influencer identification. Social intelligence provides insightful information to roles across businesses. It measures the success of KPIs and other success measurement factors, thus improving customer service. Read more at: : http://www.socialmediatoday.com/content/connecting-businesses-customers-using-visual-social-intelligence



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