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The emerging role of memes in social media marketing

Apart from breaking the internet and keeping people entertained, memes play an important role in social media marketing. Correct memes make businesses socially relevant. However before using memes one must become familiar with it and know the proper use. Misusing a meme can have an exact opposite impact on the business. Identifying the target audience is another important factor. It is futile to use those memes that customers cannot relate to.  Memes should be used sparingly- they should help enhance the content of the company on social media.Creating original memes instead of sharing the popular ones can help promote the brand more effectively. Hence memes can be a great idea for social media marketing if used in the right way. Making audiences laugh and keeping them satisfied can help build customers’ trust on the brand and hence the company.Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/social-media/how-to-use-memes-in-your-social-media-marketing-02208299

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Artificial Intelligence-Is Humanity under threat?

With Google describing it as “Intelligence exhibited by machines’’, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to think and learn smartly like humans. With its extensive use in business, industries, healthcare, it has become an indispensable part of our lives, making it fun and easy. With the world pacing rapidly, can we think of day in our lives without a Google assistant or a Siri or an Amazon Alexa? AI has the potential of bringing about changes and development that is beyond human imagination. However it remains highly doubtful if AI can solve issues like poverty and epidemics. AI can be a potential job destroyer boosting unemployment and inequality. Having said that, we should remember that nothing can beat human understanding and problem solving skills. Afterall we live in a world where relationship is the priority. By keeping us updated and gaining the necessary knowledge we can definitely survive in a world of transformational change! Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/strategy/artificial-intelligence-disruption-or-opportunity-02175867

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