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A relief for the people who drop their cell-phones quite often!

A screen- replacement for the cracked screen is one of the expensive costs you incur in maintaining your smartphone. It is a must do thing and costs almost 1/3rd of the total cost of the cellphone. But thanks to the collaborative research of Queen's University Belfast, Sanford University, the  University of California, Berkeley, California State University, and the National Institute for  Materials Science in Japan who came up with the research of alternating the material of the cellphone screens. The new research has come up with the combination of 3 materials for the replacement of silicon. The material also referred as 'magic material' is made by layering hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), graphene, and C60 which complement each other in some or the other way. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/59397-cracked-cell-phone-screens-could-soon-be-a-thing-of-the-past.html






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Digital Empowerment

Mobile and Cloud applications allow people to work from anywhere. Employee work styles are changing. 84% append at least 1 work day outside of the office. 82% value work-life integration. Employers have a lot of catching up to do. 55% agree that their organisation is committed at the leadership level to close the digital skills gaps within the workforce. 70% are empowered by their organisations to embrace flexi-work. 77% respondents feel that their organisation is equipped for the digital workplace. In terms of technology only 53% agreed that their organisation has invested in analytics and data tools to help make informed and immediate decisions. Only 56% agreed that their organisation has given them tools to simplify and standardize their workflow.  The top 3 attributes in creating collaborative teams: 43% access to collaborative technologies, 41% face-to-face meetings, 38% diverse team members. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/digital-empowerment-of-employees-are-companies-helping/articleshow/59116512.cms


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Payment Gateway- What to look for in it?

 In choosing a payment gateway one must not only consider the logistic and technical hurdles, but also the security it provides. It is a merchant service used as third party to authorize credit transactions. First, you need to decide whether you need a classic; require you to apply for a direct merchant account or modern setup; allow you to use their services without one and are easier to set up, but have higher. Most gateways strive for compatibility though they are easier to integrate. In order to maximize the average user experience and make transactions fast, a processor that can secure credit card authorization in seconds matters. A gateway with thorough reporting features is required. If a business plans for handling huge data it has to look for fraud detection and other security features. One with built-in invoicing capabilities and better usability. Finally, you’ll need to consider the costs and fees associated with each payment gateway. There is no perfect payment gateway out there, so one need to find the best fit for your specific business. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294964



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A wonder in the era of air pollution.

In a non-energy efficient and air polluted world, an innovation which helps purify the air and store the hydrogen gas is like a boon. The device is a result of the two separate teams working in for their respective tasks of air purifying and gas storing. The two teams merged and made a single device capable of doing both. The air purification is done with the help of sunlight which would help in eliminating the volatile organic compounds present in the air which are extremely harmful. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/59173-device-purifies-air-and-creates-energy.html




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Golden Age of Innovation

Technology has made innovation easier. Creative dreams can be reality in a short span. Some of the golden innovations are as follows:

1. Digital Camera (1975) allowing us to click pictures without the help of a film.

2. Graphical tablet (1979) which allowed the artists to transfer their drawings to computers.

3. 3D printing (1984) is used in printing houses, castles and prosthetics.

4. Paint (1985) can be used to manipulate 3D objects.

5. `Photoshop (1990) made graphics editing easy.

6. Instagram (2010) made editing and sharing pictures to the world easier.

7. Thermochromic Paint (2016) is an artistic innovation.

Read more at http://mashable.com/2017/06/15/how-innovations-in-technology-inspired-creators/#jd9CE5ptemqu




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Technology Causing Destruction Of Jobs

Technology is making machines faster, smarter, smaller and cheaper. Technology is serving as a smart alternate to humans. Thus, job destruction is very common in all industries at present. Survival will depend on experience, knowledge as well as the capability to adapt and learn quickly, i.e., adaptive quotient and change velocity. Developing skills and adaptability is a must to save your job from technology. Education system should be framed in a way so that the mentality of being lifelong learners and adaptability can be built in children from school itself. Read more at http://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/opinion/93663839/when-technology-takes-over-and-your-job-disappears


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The Most Common Phishing Attacks

Phishers attack business by collecting customer mailing list, so they can cover-up as your business entity and steal from customers. Scammer’s method is to develop emails or phone scripts to victimize their customers. They steal the data from links where messages directed them. The scammer then disappears and use the customer’s information to purchase for which the customer is unaware. There are 8 common phishing attacks:


1) Whaling/ Cyber whaling, 2) Hapooning , 3) Spearfishing , 4) Fake Phishers, 5) Pharming, 6) Mimic phishing , 7) Nigerian payment for the service and 8) Banking scams. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/security/content?g=53319&type=article&urlTitle=8-common-phishing-attacks-and-how-to-protect-against-them






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Business doing Outsource Without Going Overseas

In today’s business world, outsourcing of overseas tech support is changing with an Innovative solution ‘TechtoUS’ that helps in eliminating language barrier and allows business and individuals. Local Outsourcing is more cost effective than outsourcing overseas. Overseas tech support is difficult for some people because they pay to businesses to call tech support for them. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/insights/content?g=53319&type=article&urlTitle=how-technology-allows-your-business-to-outsource-without-going-overseas




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AirSelfie- The next trendy thing amongst selfie lovers!.

Selfie stick has been in the market for a long time. It has led many clicks and takes and is owned by almost every selfie lover. But here comes another invention for the selfie lovers- AirSelfie. It is the camera drone which flies in the midair and clicks the videos and photographs.

The drone is extremely easy and safe to use. The iOS or android app lets you adjust the height and direction and helps the drone to take off. You could also manually move the drone and can touch it while it’s on in the midair.


The drone also lets you upload the photos directly to the social media app. If you need them, you could transfer it through Wi-Fi. Read more at: https://www.livescience.com/57185-airselfie-drone-takes-photos-in-midair.html


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Concept of Open Data

Open data is the data which is easily accessible and is in such a format which can be used by anyone.This data may or may not be free. This data can be made available through the API or pay per use models. This concept was initiated in the 1950’s when World Data Centre system was formed to enhance accessibility. Companies can, with the help of open data, develop applications and improve their products. Government can ensure transparency and efficient use of public money. Open data helps in decision making. The only concern being data security and privacy. Open data should be transferred within the legal boundaries after filtering, which data can be transferred and which cannot be. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/what-is-open-data-and-where-can-you-find-it/



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Is your Business Cloud ready?

Many organizations have large amount of data, but don’t really know how to manage it all. You will decide to move all the data to the cloud, but, is your business ready for it? Do you move every single asset to the cloud? Once capital, infrastructure, technology, and operational aspects of the enterprise are under control they can start to think what needs to be optimized, how and what should be relocated to the cloud. It is critical to have a cloud strategy, make sure it is flexible due to the nature of growing and shrinking of data. Moving customer prone applications or internally developed applications to the cloud without careful evaluation can lead to loss in revenue. Applications can be ‘cloudified’ by using application-specific workloads such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) etc. To decide which application, make sense in cloud, enterprise’s IT teams must balance performance, interoperability and compatibility. Having a Data Center Management (DCM) platform allows company to procure, deploy, monitor and measure IT assets through web browser. Read more at: https://www.computer.org/web/data-center-insider/content?g=55674596&type=blogpost&urlTitle=big-data-in-the-mist-are-you-cloud-ready-





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LED light bulbs- Efficient utilization of energy

LED light bulbs are a step towards an efficient utilization of energy, therefore it is one of the best energy-efficient business model in India. India's usage of LED light bulbs was only restricted in the households, thus to encourage usage of LED light bulbs government has leveraged its buying power and made LEDs available at discounted prices. Power consumption of LEDs is around 2% as compared to 15% earlier. The article further explains the benefits of LEDs to the economy's energy, financiers, users of equipment, improving energy efficiency, lowering the emission intensity and avoiding a spike in emissions. But still India lacks in the infrastructure required for the further improvements.Read more at: http://blogs.economictimes.indiatimes.com/et-editorials/an-energy-efficient-business-model/


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Technology: making lives better and cheaper

Technological unemployment is becoming very common nowadays. Humans are getting replaced by machines in many sectors. This problem is however, counterbalanced by cheaper day-to-day lives, which is made possible by technology. The most important example is a smart phone. Smart phones have made most tasks just one tap away. One phone can serve the utility of a phone, torchlight, television, camera, boom box and others and thus, reducing day-to-day costs. Communication, entertainment, energy, transportation, housing, education, healthcare are some of the sectors where technology has played an important role and has increased efficiency with reduced costs. Read more at https://singularityhub.com/2017/06/08/technology-will-erase-jobs-but-also-make-everything-cheap-or-free/


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India’s role in Digital Privacy 

In a world where Digital Privacy is under threat, India has a huge role to play. Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and Uber are huge data miners, that sell their data for their profit and have been US government’s primary national security intelligence resource. On the contrary Indian internet industries can provide privacy respecting services that compete directly with services provided by the US data miners, priced reasonably in local terms in all the developed and developing societies because India has enormous potential and talent to provide such services and help end the privacy invasion. Read more at http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/toi-edit-page/head-off-digital-colonialism-how-indian-it-can-compete-with-google-and-facebook-and-show-the-world-a-better-way/


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Security to GST Ecosystem

GST-Network (GSTN) is trying to provide hi-tech security and analytics center to give protect the data under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for the cyber threats. GSTN will be appointing security companies by August to build up Security Management and Analytics Centre (SMAC). SMAC will implement data analytics to protect the GST system from cyber attacks and will provide a better and protected environment for GST ecosystem. Read more at: http://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/digital-security/paranoid-about-security-setting-up-analytics-centre-gstn-ceo/59092397


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How to leverage Intent Data

Intent data is used to demonstrate when the prospect exhibit propensity to buy. To understand the traits and interests of the audience a target market profile is created. B2B external intent data help customers by identifying which accounts are showing surging interest surrounding a particular topic and eliminates the guesswork. Surge data, combined with intent data, creates a powerful synergy. A direct correlation between buyer's motives and content sets the stage for a huge competitive advantage. To leverage the collection of intent data and create better content, correlate it with other demographic, firmographic and geographic data. Intent data target all range of buyers across an organization to tailor content specifically. It gives a lead to present solution and content to prospects with a more precise customer profile match. Leverage intent data in your content marketing and syndication to increase your chances of becoming an industry leader. Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/big-data/reach-buyers-matter-intent-data-01851493#c1wCfiKqJe40gyZt.97


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Steps to Keep in Mind While Building App for Business Boost-up

Apps are expected to produce $77 billion in revenue for business this year. Out of available 2.8 million apps, only a fraction is ever used. It means that the only cool idea is not enough for an app to be wanted by people, the app should add worth to users and be regular with the usefulness that the brand provides. Three steps can be taken to ensure that the subscription adds value and align with your business goals. First is to link up with values by defining the core values one provides as a company. Second is to exploit the tools like tap into features and functionality that mobile delivers to help push core value out into the world. And lastly by using mobile to supplement the brand's value, i.e. design the app around addressing a specific customer pain point that the speed and ease of mobile can help remove. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295511

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Are self driven cars safe?

The idea of gradually exposing more people to the benefits of riding around in self-driving taxis and other vehicles seems to be the guiding philosophy for a number of companies such as ride-hailing giant Uber, MIT startup NuTonomy, and the company Waymo spun out of Google's former self-driving car project.

Top concerns mentioned in social media included self-driving car fears of being hacked and "robot apocalypse" scenarios of technological change.

About 6,000 social posts focused on the positive side of self-driving cars as a "technological revolution that harnesses big data and machine learning."

 Another 7,000 social posts discussed self-driving cars as a possible solution to traffic jams and highway congestion even as they also featured angry venting. Read more at : 



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Technology on Wheel

Automobiles are becoming highly advanced with the high-performance engines and technologies. Telematics provides the information about the performance of both vehicles and drivers. This automotive technology along with Internet of Things (IoT) is creating favorable impact on the car industry and its related industries like insurance, transportation and logistics service-based companies with fleets and infrastructure. The concept of autonomous vehicle has been there for ages, but with the application of AI it has gained new life. AI can act as an assistant to the human driver providing them a safe driving and with the help of biometric it adds a new level to the car security. Information asymmetry is the main problem in the insurance industries, but with predictive analytics using the available data this problem can be solved. The AI creates a win-win situation for both the user and provider. Read more at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianrashid/2017/05/16/how-ai-pioneers-will-affect-the-car-industry-and-why-its-a-good-thing/#7c2fcfde57c2


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Revolution in autonomous vehicles


In the race of becoming a leader in autonomous car, Google and Tesla, compete each other in the near future. Tesla gains a hand over Google as it has already launched semi-autonomous vehicles in the Indian market named model S and model X. And during the time, Google's self-driving car (SDC) has been in the development. Although the target remains the same, i.e. 2020. Both companies use different techniques. Google uses reflected laser, whereas Tesla uses 3D cameras. Google is developing an autonomous vehicle in which there is no control of the driver, but Tesla uses an autopilot feature just like in airplanes so to allow some movement to the pilot.Despite different standpoint, result is much awaited till 2020. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/tesla-google-autonomous-car-technologies-different/


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