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Best practices of email marketing

Nowadays, companies do not send mass emails to a huge list. Instead, the companies are now thinking about engaging email recipients with content they want and look forward to getting. This article explores the five best practices about email marketing. Read more at:  



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Make the most out of email marketing

Creating the right email for your subscribers is very important because subscribers expect to get something valuable in return from you. Besides, you need to have a solid strategy in place, for sending the emails as a part of your email marketing.  This article by Kevin George (Marketing Head at EmailMonks), takes us through the list of 6 questions which are backed by data and insights. These questions will help you create more effective and relevant emails and a better overall experience for the marketing intelligence. Read more at: 



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New strategies of email marketing

This year 2018, email marketing is coming up in a bigger way and can truly connect with the audience. Now, you can improve customer response rates, brand responsiveness and revenue by using several advanced email marketing techniques that help you to connect with consumers on a more personal level. You must know the customers thoroughly, otherwise, you cannot connect with them on a personal level. Businesses nowadays connect with their audience through some advanced tracking methods. Businesses should target audience segmentation and use targeted mail. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/brandviews/campaign-monitor/4-tactics-master-email-marketing-year-02014643



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Email Marketing myths

Email marketing has been on the rise lately. There are few email marketing myths that are absolutely untrue. There is no single good day to send marketing emails. Unsubscribers are not a bad news. It gives a chance to the company to further tailor the message as per the target market. Email marketing does not take much time and is not an expensive proposition. The biggest myth that no one actually reads the mails is simply a incorrect. Research has shown that a majority of people do read the emails.  Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/305948


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How to get response from email marketing

Email is the one of the most popular form of direct customer contact today.  But, companies still have trouble getting their emails read. The response rate for business emails is in the low single digits despite all the effort and money companies put into email campaigns. Luckily, there are things that companies can do to make their emails more attractive to their customers and get higher responses. Some of these things are amazingly simple and supported by extensive research. Every email must include a call to action. This is an explicit statement which asks the reader to take the next step in the sales process. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/three-secrets-to-successful-emails-78484



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How to retain customers through email marketing

Email marketing is the best way to turn one-time shoppers into loyal, long-term customers and that’s the reason why 80% of brands rely on it to drive customer retention, and another 56% of them say email marketing is the most effective way to reach retention goals. It is proved that email marketing is perfect for driving retention and the following reasons support that. They are: 1. Welcome emails, Cart Recovery emails, Loyalty emails and post purchase emails. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/email-marketing/drive-customer-retention-email-marketing-01779908#mkYEibx0bsjCD70R.97



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Email Marketing To Increase Revenue On The Go

It’s every marketer’s dream to be able to lay their head to rest at night with the knowledge that when they wake up, your bank balance will be just that little bit bigger. The passive income dream is common enough among marketers and entrepreneurs. But it’s always been an elusive goal. The dream of making money while you sleep often remains exactly that, a dream.


It’s difficult, but not entirely impossible. There’s countless examples of solo entrepreneurs, small businesses and huge corporations that have automated much of their income with much of this proliferation due to continuing advancements in technology.


Sure, we all know that email is also one of the most versatile methods for automating your income. Email is still the great lever for success. You can embrace it and live your passive income dreams, or ignore it and continue to work hard for little to no reward.


Read more about different automation campaigns here:  https://blog.crazyegg.com/2016/04/08/drive-revenue-while-sleeping/


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Importance of email marketing data




 Nowadays, email marketing is driven by data and analytics and is still relevant. But, for email marketing to be successful, we need email marketing data, which will be used to calculate KPIs, create dashboards, reports for monitoring, and which in turn generate explanatory and predictive models that will help to optimize email marketing. This article explores the different types of email marketing solutions from the perspective of the data. Read more at: https://blog.blendo.co/email-marketing-data/





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Steps To An Attractive Email Marketing

To grow a business online is not an easy task. In such an environment, it becomes very crucial to write an effective, influential mail that can attract customers. In order to target customers with email marketing, you must be at first stage selective about people whom you chose to mail. Moreover, one should start with his or her personal experience with such mail, to leave an influential impact on a customer's mind. Being specific and not creating unnecessary work load for your recipients can also be a good approach to get your email marketing a hit. Lastly, adding a link or two about the credibility of your company is always a good idea, as it can help your customer take better decisions. To know more read article by David Mercer (a tech entrepreneur, author, and founder of SME Pals, a free online resource to help entrepreneurs and small business owners thrive online) at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/30157/how-to-craft-outreach-emails-that-convert

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How email marketing is helping business

Email is the oldest form of communication and email marketing is the 2nd most effective ecommerce marketing channel. According to a research it is found that email marketing has the potential to produce really great results, with an average ROI of $44.25 for every $1 spent and companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at 33% lower cost. To know more about retail marketing emails,

follow: http://www.business2community.com/infographics/3-ways-optimize-retail-marketing-emails-infographic-01552288#YSHjrIqEHIYEM4q7.97


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Best tools to Make Email Marketing better.

The smart span filtering algorithms of the internet service providers make it difficult to reach the user's inbox with advertisements. So to take benefit of the email marketing, you need to keep few things in mind. One needs to integrate a HTML button in your email that is coded as Call to Action (CTA). These make the emails responsive. HTML buttons help in building and engaging traffic. A well designed HTML email reinforces your brand even in the email. The HTML button is visible before the images get loaded. According to a report, the majority of the online purchasing begins from the mobiles. So the emails should be very responsive for these devices. The three components needed for this are: Right breakpoints, Larger Text on Mobile Devices, CTA buttons. Read more about it on: http://blog.marketo.com/2015/12/3-email-marketing-must-haves-to-conquer-the-inbox.html

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Email Marketing - a loyal friend to businesses.

Email Marketing is good for business. It is a tool continuously being used for connecting with the customers. Emails are sent comprising of newsletters, best deals, new products, etc. A few ways to enrich your email marketing are written here. Though not everyone opens the newsletter, but still it is important to give a detailed view to the customer of what you deal with. Order follow - ups gives a sense of satisfaction to the customers. Thus making long lasting bonds. It is important to approach the potential customers who aren't aware of your products. They might be in need, but due to lack of information they are inactive. A good conversion rate is observed in this category. The essence of businesses lies in their approach towards their customers. So it becomes a responsibility to bring the customers lost. Moreover, lucrative deals, coupons, discounts work quickly. Read more about it on: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67403-ecommerce-email-marketing-benchmarks-for-2016/

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Why direct mail is better than email marketing

Every company tries to find new and creative ways of marketing. Every company tries to stand out from the crowd. Josh MacDonald (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in his article about the reasons why direct mail is better than email marketing. Read more at - http://www.business2community.com/marketing/4-reasons-direct-mail-better-email-marketing-01387896#4WMCPgGxvcugkt3W.97



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Email Marketing & Social Media Marketing: An Insight

According to a research, it was found that email marketing and social media marketing are the two mediums which is most likely to see an increase in investment in 2015. Most businesses don’t integrate these two mediums. It was also found that by integrating email and social strategies together, organizations can improve their brand’s reach while adding leads to the sales pipeline. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/irfan-ahmad/2015-09-10/why-email-marketing-and-social-media-marketing-work-better-together



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Demand Generation In Business

Marketers must focus on demand generation to increase revenue. This will in turn lead to more sales. Demand generation can re position your product or service. Shannon Prager (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community) writes in her article about some points that will help in demand generation. They are: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Retargeting, Marketing Automation and Personalizing Message. To know more, follow:  http://www.business2community.com/strategy/5-components-of-a-successful-demand-generation-strategy-01318399



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E-Mail Marketing is better than Social Media in generating leads

According to KC Claveria (Marketer from Vancouver, B.C.), if social media used rightly, can help you in maintaining better relationships with customers. According to the Mckinsey & Company report, “email conversion rates are 40times higher as compared to Facebook and Twitter combined.” This shows that for generating leads, email marketing is very important. Email marketing is better than other marketing channels because:
• With email, you’re reaching an audience that already knows you.
• There’s too much noise on social.
• People are more likely to see (and click on) your email.
• You get to say more on email.
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/email-marketing/why-email-marketing-beats-social-media-in-lead-generation-and-what-you-can-do-about-it-01246702#5FUji2OQheQ8LXzA.99

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Marketing automation in the age of mobiles

In an age, where a large proportion of email opens are done via mobile devices, marketers should consider responsive design, which allows them to control the email display, according to the size of the viewer's screen, adding flexibility to the content display of the mail. Email marketing solution providers are there to help. Pre-send testing is important, which makes sure that the messages look as good as desired across all devices ranging from tablets, mobile phones and desktops. To know more, please follow the article by Akin Arikan (Contributing Author) at:http://www.cmswire.com/cms/digital-marketing/the-age-of-mobile-moves-from-static-to-dynamic-029255.php

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Plan a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

E-mails are an indispensible part of our lives. With the growth of mobile internet reach, people now have instant reach to their emails. For marketers to reach these people instantly, the easiest means is via emails. So, planning an email marketing campaign has become as much important as planning any social media campaign.

Pierre DeBois,Founder and Chief Digital Marketing Strategist, Zimana, in his article at cmswire.com has given 5 key strategies to plan a successful email marketing campaign launch. They are:

  • Assume customers will view an email in a mobile device
  • Plan for a personal touch
  • Create an engaging subject line
  • Send email at the right time
  • Consider metrics within context of site or app objectives

To understand them in detail, please visit the following link:


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Email and Social Media Marketing: A Powerful Combination

E-Mail marketing has been into existence since long. On the other hand, social media marketing is doing wonders these days. What will happen if we combine these two mass marketing mediums?

The answer to this question is given in the following article by Thomas Miller at socialmediaweek.com. In this article, the author tells us the reasons why this integration is important and also suggests 8 ways to do so. Some of them are:

  • Put social icons in your emails
  • Create dedicated email campaign
  • Add “Retweet This!” in your email

To know more, visit the following link:


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Essential Things for long term survival

According to Brian Sutter (Director of Marketing, Wasp Barcode), small business owner need to think strategically for long term survival. They should know how to use employee's time and skills effectively. Business should use CRM software for accessing customer data and analyze performance and business metrics for spotting pattern and trends. Small business owner need business intelligence tools for quick decision making, analyzing business opportunities and threats and improve management of the business. According to a recent report, 56% of small businesses plan to invest less than 3% of revenue on marketing. But, small organizations should use email marketing for maintaining long term relationship with customers. Read more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/245386

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