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Journey Science Analytics

With existing systems and technology it is often difficult to manage massive amount of data by various industries and organizations. Keeping in mind several aspects such as cost reduction, customer experience improvement and increase in conversion rates, companies often need to derive meaningful conclusions from the data collected and establish a connection between them. This linked data is also referred to as journeys. Journeys improvise on well-grounded business decisions by pointing out the improvements needed after looking at the customer transactions as a whole. Journey Science facilitates anyone, to be a Journey Scientist, regardless of their skillset and enable them to easily generate an intelligent dataset that includes the commonly understood business context in an enterprise. Leading telecom businesses are implementing the Journey Science concept through a multi-channel, end-2-end view and linking together structured and unstructured data back to their strategic objectives, and quickly modifying them to ensure they cope up with the evolving customer demands efficiently.

Read more at: https://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/journey-science-in-telecom-take-customer-experience-to-the-next



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